Tecniques of Casino

Techniques of Casino Techniques of Casino is a book that will educate readers about casino games. It covers topics such as game terminology, different types of wagers, and general rules and guidelines. It also explains different aspects of dealing, including buy-in and cash-out procedures. Tecniques of Casino is organized into thirty sections. The author instructs readers on everything from pushing the one-to-nine-stack payoff to understanding wheel checks and fills. The inside story of casino comps When it comes to casinos, comps are a big moneymaker. Casinos have long known the value of offering freebies to attract new customers and retain existing customers. However, in recent years, casinos have increasingly been trying to get more precise about how to give away these offers. Big data systems now allow casinos to analyze patterns of betting and visit behavior and use that data to offer players more valuable comps. One way to hack a casino is to make it look like you're losing ...